Why You Have To Cleanse Your Face

If you do not wash your face your pores will become clogged resulting in the development of serious (and painful) acne!

Why You Have To Cleanse Your Face
It has been a long day and you are dozing off to sleep on the couch. You’re in that pre-slumber state where you just want to close your eyes and drift off to a peaceful place. But you know you should get up and take your makeup off. Luckily, you muster the energy and get up to take it all off. It turns out you just did your skin a wonderful favor. Regular skin cleansing is critical to maintaining skin that looks and feels healthy. Let’s take a closer look at why facial cleansing is the first essential step to any beauty routine.
All skincare must start with a clean slate. One of the most important beauty rules we live by at ANJALI MD Skincare is that you have to cleanse your face every morning and night. Daily cleansing keeps skin fresh and helps anti-aging and other essential skincare products work properly. Let’s see why cleansing is so important.
Removing Build Up
One the most important benefits of facial cleansing is the removal of dirt, oil and other unwanted debris such as bacteria and makeup. Everyday the skin on your face is continually covered with bacteria, harsh pollutants, viruses, dirt, and old (dead) skin cells. Daily facial cleansing removes these impurities by going deep within the pores to give the skin a fresh clean look. If you don’t cleanse, your skin will be covered by a thick layer of dirt and grime. Eww! This can lead to problems like acne and aging. Also when your pores and skin are not free of all the bacteria and debris, it will make it more difficult for other products to penetrate the skin properly.
Maintaining Clear Skin
Our skin naturally produces an oil called sebum. Sebum is created from tiny glands under the skin to protect the skin from the dangers of the outside world. It serves as a barrier that prevents the penetration of bacteria or other harmful agents. Sebum reaches the surface of the skin via the hair follicles within the skin so the oil can reach the skin's surface.
When excessive dirt has built up on the surface of the skin, it causes blockages of the follicle. This results in trapped sebum, sweat and dead skin cells within the follicle. All these things cause havoc within the skin, allowing inflammation, infection and acne to occur within the skin. By properly cleansing the skin, you are clearing out the pores of debris to prevent dirt buildup, letting your sebum to reach the skin surface unimpeded, forming the nice protective barrier it’s supposed to. This will keep your skin healthy and decrease your chances of a breakout.
Boosting Hydration
Regular facial cleansing (along with the use of a good moisturizer and other skincare products) is also an important factor in helping the skin maintain its healthy glow.
Daily facial cleansing will help the skin retain a proper level of hydration which is essential for skin that looks and feels healthy. When your skin is dehydrated, it feels rough and tight and often looks wrinkled and aged. Cleansing encourages proper skin balance and prevent the production of excess oils.
Regular cleansing also maintains skin’s natural pH level. This well help the skin retain enough water and absorb the right amount of product.
What Would Happen If You Didn't Wash Your Face?
If you do not wash your face your pores will become clogged resulting in the development of serious (and painful) acne. The skin can also experience a combination redness, inflammation, dryness and irritation from insufficient hydration and the building of irritants and debris. All these factors help speed up the aging process -- leaving your skin looking oily, greasy and aged.