SPF - Even Indoors!

UVA crosses through window glass at home, at work and while you’re driving, here's some helpful tips.
Hello, beautiful people!
Summer’s wrapping up, but did you know the sun’s rays that cause aging actually cross through regular glass?!?
I know I tell you all the time you have to wear sunscreen everyday. This is because most people think on a cloudy day it’s ok to skip the sunscreen. But I’m sorry to scare you…it isn’t just outdoor exposure you need to worry about.
UVA crosses through window glass at home, at work and while you’re driving. So if you don’t protect your skin with sunscreen, all those moments are adding up on your skin, contributing to the aging process.
Find a sunscreen you love, wear it everyday and protect yourself!
Dr. Anjali #ANJALIMD #LearnToLoveYourSkin